1. The “Action Fund in the field of sustainable energy management”, part of the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation wider Program aimed at reducing economic and social disparities within the European Union, was approved by the Romanian Government last week. The program involves the implementation of new projects within the underdeveloped regions of Romania, focusing on: thermal rehabilitation of public buildings, district heating, energy supply, including renewable, public lighting, public transport and urban planning.
2. New call for projects – Regional Operational Program – POR 2.2. – Support for the creation and expansion of advanced production and or services capacities. Projects proposals can be submitted between 30th of October and 30th of November 2020.
3. The Ministry of Economy is preparing for the launch of the final guide related to the 3 support schemes for SMEs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively micro-grants, working capital grants and investment grants.
4. The Competitiveness Operational Program 2014 – 2020 finances the implementation of the “PSCID” platform, which will provide new tools and more secured ways of electronic authentication for accessing and using the public electronic services.
News source: www.fonduri-structurale.ro
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